Titan X | R9 390X | |
Cores | 3072 Cuda | 4096 GCN |
Memory | 12 GB of GDDR5 | 8 GB of HBM |
Base clock | 1.00 GHz | 1.00 GHz |
Of course, it's true that the Titan has more memory, but the 390X has HBM memory. This new type of vram is a lot denser, thus making it a lot faster than GDDR5. How much faster? The Titan X has 336 GB/s memory bandwidth, while the 390X will have almost three time as much, 800GB/s. This difference will make the 390X capable of achieving much higher framerates and overall better performance. And if that wouldn't be enough for you, the R9 395X2 with almost double the performance is expected to be released by the end of the year. With this level of performance I wonder when will 8K support for games arrive. Oh, wait! First we need 8K monitors.